Building Apps with GORM#

This is the traditional way to write GNUstep apps. You should start with Convertor, and then you can either go through the rest of them in order, or you can look at the topics below to see what you’ll learn from each.

👉 Let’s get going!


  • Basic knowledge of the command-line

  • Basic knowledge of programming concepts

  • A desktop computer

    • If you’re willing to tinker around, you could use a tablet with the Termux or iSH apps, or a jailbroken e-reader, but we don’t have any instructions yet.

1 - Objective-C Intro#

2 - Convertor - a basic app#

Read it here

Build your first app, which multiplies two numbers! It’s intended to convert currencies given the conversion rate.

This guide introduces you to the GNUstep IDE, which is composed of ProjectCenter and Gorm.


  • Using ProjectCenter

  • Using Gorm

  • Using AppKit, Foundation, and the Objective-C programming language

3 - TimeMachine - custom views#

Read it here


  • Updating your UI

  • Custom Views

  • Drawing custom shapes

  • Dynamically creating widgets

  • Modal Windows

  • Configuring your app

  • Notifications

4 - Money - a document-based application#

Read it here


  • Document-based applications

  • Tables

  • Loading and saving

  • Drag and drop

5 - Overview - outline views#

Read it here


  • Outline views

  • Getting system information

6 - LunarCalendar - matrices#

Read it here


  • Custom views

  • Matrices

7 - NSLookupService - services#

Read it here


  • Services